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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Raw Goat Milk Benefits

You may ask 'raw goat milk'? Why should I care about it. American's have been 'culturized & advertised' into associating milk with cows when in fact, goat milk is far more healthy for humans. In Maud, Texas goat milk is all we drink - it's God's complete food!

According to the Journal of American Medicine, "Goat's milk is the most complete food known." It contains vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, trace elements, enzymes, protein, and fatty acids that are utilized by your body with ease. In fact, your body can digest goat's milk in just 20 minutes. It takes 2-3 hours to digest cow's milk.

Excerpt from "The Maker's Diet" by Jordan S. Rubin...
'You shall have enough goats' milk for your food, for the food of your household, and the nourishment of your maidservants'. 

The milk consumed in old times differed much from the milk we consume today. The milk of cows and goats and was consumed straight from the animal (it was not pasturized or homogenized), or it was immediately fermented. These 'live' foods provide excellent health benefits in contrast to today's pasturized, homogenized, often skimmed and 'refortified' milk, which is not only less nutritious but also can be potentially harmful and a major cause of allergies and even heart disease.

Below are some of the health benefits attributed to raw goat milk consumption:
  • Goat's milk is less allergic - It does not contain the complex protein that stimulate allergic reactions to cow's milk.) 

  • Goat's milk does not supress the immune system.

  • Goat's milk is easier to digest than cow's milk (An old statistic showed that goat's milk will digest in a baby's stomach in twenty minutes, whereas pasturized cow's milk takes eight hours. The difference is in the structure of the milk.)

  • Goat's milk has more buffering capacity than over the counter antacids. (The USDA and Prairie View A&M University in Texas have confirmed that goat's milk has more acid-buffering capacity than cow's milk, soy infant formula, and nonprescription antacid drugs.)

  • Goat's milk alkalinizes the digestive system. It actually contains an alkaline ash, and it does not produce acid in the intestinal system. Goat's milk helps to increase the pH of the blood stream because it is the dairy product highest in the amino acid L-glutamine. L-glutamine is an alkalinizing amino acid, often recommended by nutritionists.

  • Goat's milk contains twice the healthful medium-chain fatty acids, such as capric and caprylic acids, which are highly antimicrobial. (They actually killed the bacteria used to test for the presence of antibiotics in cow's milk!)

  • Goat's milk does not product mucus; it does not stimulate a defense response from the human immune system.

  • Goat's milk is a rich source of the trace mineral selenium, a necessary nutrient, however, for its immune modulation and antioxidant properties.

Lactose Intolerant?
  • Easier digestion allows the lactose to pass through the intestines more rapidly, not giving it time to ferment or cause an osmotic imbalance. 
  • Goat's milk also contains 7% less lactose than cow milk.
  • Additionally, most lactose intolerant people have found that they can tolerate goat's milk and goat milk products.

Goat's Milk Soothes the Digestive Tract
  • Goat's milk has long been used and recommended as an aid in the treatment of ulcers due to its more effective acid buffering capacity.
  • Children on goat's milk have been observed to sleep through the night and remain more satisfied between meals.

Mother Nature is very Clever
  • Natural milk contains many bioactive components, which serve to retard the growth of harmful organisms, and to protect the health of the person consuming them. Goat's milk contains the same important bioactive components as mother's milk. 
Medicinal properties of goat milk 

The importance of feeding of infants with goat milk has been recognized since ancient days. In developed countries like U.S and South Africa, the goat milk is specifically marketed for the infants. The milk allergy problem common in infants fed with cow milk is rarely encountered when replaced with goat milk and it plays an important role in the formulation of infant formula. This is a proof of the medicinal property of goat milk.

The symptoms like gastrointestinal disturbances, vomiting, colic, diarrhoea, constipation and respiratory problems can be eliminated when goat milk is fed to the infants. The reason cited for the relief in respiratory problems when fed with goat milk can be attributed to the structure of casein micelle of the goat milk. Pasteurized goat milk is well tolerated by the infants with gastro intestinal or respiratory symptoms. Fermented goat milk products are ideal for the persons allergic to cow milk.

The goat milk is naturally homogenized. It forms a soft curd when compared to cow milk and hence helps in easy digestion and absorption. Regular intake of goat milk significantly improves the body weight gain, improved mineralization of skeleton, increased blood serum vitamin, mineral and haemoglobin levels. These points are considered advantageous when compared to consumption of human milk. 

The other medicinal property of goat milk is higher concentration of medium chain fatty acids which play an important role in imparting unique health benefits in mal-absorption syndrome, steatorrhoea, chyluria, hyperlipoproteinaemia and during conditions of cystic fibrosis, gall stones and childhood epilepsy. The medium chain fatty acids minimize cholesterol deposition in the arteries, aid in dissolving cholesterol and gallstones and significantly contribute to normal growth of infants.

quoted from: www.DairyforAll.com

"How Breast Milk Protects Newborns" chart compiled by White Egret Farm

Modified from Newman, J., Scientific American, December 1995

Raw Goat's Milk, Breast Milk vs Retail Cow's Milk, Infant Formula
Brst Milk
Goat Milk
Cow Milk
Inft Frm
Produce antibodies, which target harmful microbes

Immune cells, which kill microbes in baby's gut; produce lysozyme, an enzyme, which digest the cell walls of harmful bacteria and activate other componenets of the immune system

White blood cells, which may ingest bacteria in baby's digestive system

Kill infected cells directly or send out 'alarms', which stimulate other parts of the immune system

IgA/IgG Secretory Antibodies
Prevent microbes in the intestine from invading other tissues

B-12 binding protein
Reduces vitamin B12 in the colon; a vitamin, which harmful bacteria need for growth

Bifidus factor
Promotes growth of Lactobacillus bifidus, a helpful bacterium in baby's gut, which helps crowd out dangerous germs

Fatty acids
Disrupt membranes of viruses and destroys them
Increases antimicrobial activity of macrophages and helps to repair damaged tissures

Enhances antimicrobial activity of immune cells

Binds to iron, making it unavailable for germs

Kills germs by disrupting their cell walls

Mucins & Oligosaccharides
Bind to bacteria and viruses, prventing them from attaching to baby's, gut; encourage growth of friendly bacteria

Hormones and Growth factors
Stimulate baby's digestive tract to mature and seal itself, reducing risk of infection

Goat Or Cow's Milk Does It Really Make A Difference?

Article by Julie Phillips
Goat Or CowGoat and cow’s milk are nutritionally similar, though definitely not equal. The main difference is that goat's milk has smaller fat globules. This helps to lessen the strain on a child's immature digestive system. Consequently, goat’s milk may reduce the possibility of allergies, asthma and other ailments. Children who are allergic to cows milk often thrive on goat's milk.

Goat’s milk also has a closer protein composition to human milk. This also helps to explain the low allergy rate. Beta caseins are found in both human and goat’s milk. These have a softer curd and easier digestibility than the alfa caseins that are so prevalent in cow's milk. Goat's milk also does not contain Agglutamin. This is the reason fat globules do not cluster, assisting digestion. On average, goats milk contains more calcium, vitamin B6, vitamin A, potassium, niacin, chloride, copper, phosphorous, manganese and selenium. It is slightly lower in folic acid (1), has less arginine and less sulphur-containing amino acids (particularly methionine) but more glycine than cow's milk (2). Goats also are more finicky eaters than cows – meaning they eat a more varied diet, usually richer in minerals. While switching from cow’s milk to goat’s milk, it is recommended you mix a littleof the cow’s milk with the goats milk to help adjust to the new taste.

Goat's milk enriches intestinal flora and can be used to relieve constipation. Cow's milk conversely may result in constipation in children with a sensitive digestion. Laura Morales from the Even Star Goat Dairy in Lowood (near Toowoomba) says that Goat’s milk is also considered to be less phlegm producing.
If the milk is pasteurised, boiling it will assist in the digestion. Pasteurisation partially dismantles the protein structure. This makes the milk more difficult to digest. Boiling the milk finishes the process and decreases the chance of allergic reaction (1).

Ideally however, purchase 'raw' or unpasteurised milk. This has many advantages. Goat's milk is one of the best sources of dietary fluorine, nearly ten times higher than cow's milk. Fluorine helps build immunity and strengthen teeth and bones. Fluorine is depleted during the cooking process so is only present in unpasteurised milk. The chemical "fluoride" does not have the same healing properties (3) and is best avoided wherever possible.

Pasteurisation also destroys the beneficial bacteria that assist in digestion. These can only be replaced by culturing the milk and is why yoghurt is easier to digest than milk. The proteins are pre-digested by the bacterial action of the souring process.

If goat's milk is not available (or the taste is disagreeable), one ways to increase the digestibility of the milk from the cow is to soften the curds by adding gelatin. This will bring it closer to resembling the soft curds of Goat’s milk and mother's milk . Adding gelatin also emulsifies fat and by stabilising the casein (protein), improves the digestibility of the fat, which would otherwise be carried down with the casein in a lump mass. Vomiting, upper respiratory infections, constipation and diarrhea may also be reduced by the addition of gelatin (9). Use one teaspoon per four cups of milk. Prepare the gelatin as per the usual instructions by dissolving it in half a cup of water (or more). Mix with the milk and drink or refrigerate.

In Ayurveda (Indian medicine), fresh cow’s milk is thought to be excellent for those with a strong digestion who want to increase their weight. They believe it is a sattvic food, meaning that it can help develop Spiritual awareness. On the other hand, they also believe that homogenisation makes the fat in the milk nearly indigestible and causes toxic residues (ama) to form in the body (5).

Homogenisation allows the enzyme xanthine oxidase to penetrate the intestinal wall, move into the lymphatic system and then to enter the bloodstream, instead of being excreted as would normally occur. When this enzyme enters the heart and arteries, it scratches and corrodes the membranes, creating primary lesions or scar tissue. The body then releases cholesterol into the bloodstream in an attempt to lay protective fatty material on the scarred areas. This can result in clogging the arteries (5) (1). Homogenisation also makes the fat and cholesterol more susceptible to rancidity and oxidation (7) and creates trans fats in the milk - these are rigid molecules that are so altered that the body doesn't recognise them as natural. (8) Fortunately goat's milk is never homogenised - another plus for it.

In summary, the deciding factors are - does cow's milk agree with the person consuming it? If not, try goat's milk , if this still doesn't agree, life will be no poorer without dairy. If dairy does agree, ensure a quality product is consumed - ideally organic and non-homogenised. The best dairy products of all, are non-pasteurised! More on this in the next issue.

(1) Echo Mountain dairy - information obtained through the University of Delaware and Texas (2) Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol med (1962): M. Lee, M.Rohitkumar & S. Lucia. (3) Diet and Nutrition: R Ballentine. (4) Healing with Whole Foods: Paul Pitchford (5) Prakruti: RSvoboda (6) Homogenized!: N. Sampsidis (7) Nourishing Traditions: Sally Fallon (8) Eat Fat, Lose Weight, The Right Fats: Ann Louise Gittleman (9) Gelatine in Nutrition and Medicine: N.R. Gotthoffer.

Goat Milk: A Skin Beauty Treatment

Goat Milk: A Skin Beauty Treatment You Can Buy at the Grocery Store

Much Cheaper Than Over Priced Beauty Treatments
Beauty product can be expensive. The beauty products that promise the most amazing results using have the most expensive price tag. Today more and more beauty products are announcing using natures own products to create a truly beautiful result. Ingredients such as honey, lemon, vitamin c, and olive oil are popular in today's most successful beauty products.

So if Este Lauder, L'oreal, and other popular beauty product lines can benefit by adding these products - so can you! At home DIY beauty is becoming more and more popular. Women today are becoming more frugal with the economy and really getting back to what works. We are all tired of the expensive beauty products, many of which fail to measure up to their promises. So when taking beauty to a new level - get back to nature!

Let me introduce you to goat milk! Yes, you heard me correctly, goat's milk. Goat milk has a myriad of benefits for the skin. You can see goats milk as an active ingredient in many of today's top beauty treatments.


Goat milk conditions the skin and is highly moisturizing. It serves as a great beauty treatment in the bath. Simply purchase goat milk (from farm, or canned from grocery store) and add two cups to a warm bath and soak. You will immediately notice your skin feels silky smooth. Don't get squeamish - this is too good of a skin treatment to throw away on fist appearances!

Goat's milk has smaller proteins, making it easily and quickly absorbed into the skin. Goat milk is a well known beauty aid in fighting and treating serious skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. Goat milk's high content of lactic acid makes goat milk a perfect moisturizer!

Goat milk can also serve as a great exfoliant. After skin is treated with goat's milk, old skin cells easily slough off. To aid in the process, you can add some baking soda and goat milk, making a paste. With firm pressure, rub goat mil and baking soda paste onto your skins most
dehydrated and flaky areas and watch your skin be renewed! That's the potent power of goat milk.

Using goat's milk in beauty treatments is nothing new. It's one of those oldies but goodies dating back to biblical times. Just as honey and olive oil, goat milk is a great old time ingredient to keep in your beauty arsenal.

Where to buy:
You can buy goat milk in most grocery stores, although it is usually canned and sold with other canned milks. You would probably find it near the evaporated milk, condensed milk and even coconut milk. Optimally you would purchase milk from a farm. Raw goat milk is the best of the best and takes the cream of the crop award for beauty. But don't worry - if you are unable to obtain it from a farm. Even out of a can, goat milk packs a powerful punch to creating smooth, radiant, silky, and supple skin.

So next time your at the grocery store, think of your beauty and your skin and pick up some goat milk! You will be glad you did.

Health Benefits of Goat Milk

Compare the Health Benefits of Goat Milk Versus Cow Milk

Although Americans are accustomed to cow's milk, goat's milk is much more common in most other parts of the world. Goats are hardier than cows, are inexpensive, and take up less space.

Goat's milk is closest to mother's milk than any other food. Goat's milk is a complete protein and contains every essential amino acid. Yet it contains significantly less fat than cow's milk.

Goat milk is easy to digest, even for babies. Goat milk has more medium chain fatty acids than cow milk, which aids in easier digestion. Goat milk fat consists of 35 percent medium chain fatty acids, compared with 17 percent found in cow milk. Almost half of people who are lactose intolerant are able to drink goat's milk.

Three different medium chain fatty acids found in goat milk are thought to have health benefits for people with certain types of diseases, especially diseases involving metabolism. Some of these conditions include cystic fibrosis, gallstones, heart disease, and various digestive problems. Goat milk has three times more of these types of medium chain fatty acids than cow milk.

Goat's milk contains less of the enzyme xanthine oxidase than cow's milk. When this enzyme enters the bloodstream, it can create scar tissue on the heart. This, in turn, causes the body to produce cholesterol for protection. This can be a precursor to arteriosclerosis.

Goat milk contains more vitamin A than cow milk. Cow milk's vitamin A content is partially consistent of carotenoids, which must be turned into vitamin A by the body. All of the vitamin A found in goat milk is pre-formed. This is an advantage to people with health conditions which prevent their bodies from being able to form vitamin A from carotenoids. Goat's milk also contains more riboflavin than cow's milk.

A cup of goat's milk has almost 33 percent of the recommended daily allowance for calcium, compared to almost 30 percent of the recommended daily allowance for calcium in a cup of cow's milk.A cup of goat milk also supplies more protein than a cup of cow milk, almost nine grams of protein compared to about eight grams of protein in cow milk.

An important component present in goat's milk is called biorganic sodium. One of the highest sources of biorganic sodium is goat's milk. Arthritis is thought to be caused by lack of this mineral. The human stomach stores more sodium than any other organ. Therefore, at least some digestive disturbances are thought to be caused by lack of biorganic sodium. The lack of this mineral inhibits the stomach's production of needed enzymes. This in turn causes bloating, even ulcers. The typical American diet of processed foods, sodas, sugar, and alcohol greatly depletes the body of biorganic sodium.

Dr. Bernard Jensen wrote a book titled Goat Milk Magic in which he discusses his findings on goat's milk. He studied people in mountainous regions of Russia. An important element in their diets was goat's milk. Many people in the area were some of the oldest in the world, as well as the healthiest.

Dr. Jensen has concluded that goat's milk has extraordinary healing powers for a variety of conditions. Some health conditions that goat's milk seems to help include allergies, tuberculosis, arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, and ulcers. Dr. Jensen's opinion is that goat's milk prevents many degenerative diseases and increases chances of living a long, healthy life.

Goat Milk: A Blessing for Ageing People

Senior woman with milk Elderly nutrition is an important health concern for many adults. As we age, naturally occurring changes in our bodies create challenges for sufficient nutrient intake and absorption.

Goat milk and other goat dairy products have properties that can help meet these challenges to provide elderly adults with their nutritional requirements.
Goat milk is high in calcium, protein, beneficial fats, and many vitamins and minerals.

If you have crossed your golden jubilee anniversary or touching it then you have probably noticed some disturbing changes in your daily routine, the way your body reacts to foods.

In today's world doctors agree that getting minerals from foods in this age is a better choice than getting them from manufactured and inorganic products.

Goat milk also contains less lactose than cow milk which is helpful in preventing the development of allergies. Because goat milk is easier to digest, we can tolerate it better and experience less frequency of smelly, uncomfortable and embarrassing gas. Goat milk is an alkaline food so it doesn't produce unnecessary and potentially dangerous acids in your blood or intestines. Goat milk contain vitamins, especially riboflavin, to help heal your skin, minerals to help you maintain healthy blood pressure, bioorganic sodium to help settle upset stomachs and other serious digestive disorders like chronic indigestion, intestinal irritation, constipation, diarrhoea or even ulcers and bloating.

Goat milk not only contains less fat than cow milk but it also has less of the enzyme called xanthine oxidase which generates the superoxide free radical molecule, which creates scar tissue on the heart if it enters the bloodstream. It's also been proven to cause your body to produce excess cholesterol, which can lead to arteriosclerosis.

With goat milk you can help to soothe your digestive system and intestinal tract, strengthen your immune system and help fight off nasty bugs, ease painful joints, encourage healthy bone growth and even avoid further bone loss and above all balance and regulate blood sugar levels.

Susu kambing mampu tingkat tumbesaran

Siblings staying together and growing up togetherSusu kambing merupakan pilihan makanan terbaik bagi membantu meningkatkan tumbesaran badan manusia kerana ia mempunyai khasiat dan kualiti yang hampir sama dengan susu manusia.

Susu kambing merupakan pilihan yang mempunyai nutrisi tinggi serta kaya dengan protein dan asid amino.

Kandungannya yang penuh dengan khasiat vitamin A, D dan E amat sesuai untuk dijadikan makanan tambahan dalam kehidupan seharian.

Kandungan lemak yang rendah juga boleh membantu merawat pelbagai penyakit seperti jaundice, asma dan gastrik serta sesuai untuk sistem penghadaman yang bermasalah.

Jika dibandingkan, susu kambing adalah lebih mudah dihadam berbanding susu lembu dan ia kaya dengan pelbagai zat galian yang diperlukan manusia.

Susu ini juga boleh membantu manusia untuk menjaga kesihatan kulit dan pembinaan sel-sel darah dalam badan di samping dapat membantu memulihkan masalah tenaga batin.

Segudang Gizi Susu Kambing

See full size image
Susu kambing mempunyai kandungan gizi lengkap dan baik untuk kesehatan. Makanya, susu yang sedikit manis itu menjadi pilihan bagi yang tidak bisa mengkonsumsi susu sapi (lactose intolerance). Ia rendah laktosa sehingga tidak menimbulkan diare. Keunggulan lainnya, susu kambing tidak mengandung beta-lactoglobulin. Senyawa alergen itu sering disebut sebagai pemicu reaksi alergi seperti asma, bendungan saluran pernapasan, infeksi radang telinga, eksim, kemerahan pada kulit, dan gangguan pencernaan makanan. Meski tidak membawa dampak alergi atau berisiko rendah menimbulkan alergi, jangan mengartikan susu kambing dapat dijadikan obat untuk menghilangkan reaksi alergi. 

Sekalipun ada beberapa kasus alergi hilang karena mengkonsumsi susu kambing.Rantai asam lemak susu kambing lebih pendek dibanding susu sapi sehingga lebih mudah dicerna dan diserap sistem pencernaan manusia. Kandungan asam kaprik dan kapriliknya mampu menghambat infeksi terutama yang disebabkan oleh cendawan candida. Susu kambing juga tidak mengandung agglutinin yaitu senyawa yang membuat molekul lemak menggumpal seperti pada susu sapi. Itu sebabnya susu kambing mudah diserap usus halus.

Selain dikonsumsi, susu kambing baik juga untuk perawatan kulit. Sabun yang terbuat dari campuran susu kambing memiliki tingkat keasaman yang menyamai kulit. Efeknya terasa lembut di kulit dan tidak menimbulkan iritasi. Beberapa penelitian melaporkan penggunaan sabun ekstrak susu kambing memulihkan kelainan kulit seperti psoriasis dan eksema.

Karena kandungan proteinnya tinggi, susu kambing sangat baik untuk pertumbuhan dan pembentukan jaringan tubuh. Ia merupakan sumber protein yang murah tetapi bermutu tinggi. Secangkir susu kambing yang setara 244 g mengandung protein 8,7 g. Bandingkan dengan susu sapi yang hanya mengandung protein 8,1 g.Protein yang terdapat pada susu kambing mencakup 22 asam amino termasuk 8 asam amino esensial seperti isoleusin, leusin, dan fenilalanin. Asam amino esensial di dalam tubuh merupakan senyawa penting pembentuk sejumlah senyawa hormon dan jaringan tubuh. Susu kambing juga sumber mineral kalsium, fosfor, kalium, riboflavin (vitamin B2), dan protein.

Anak yang mengkonsumsi susu kambing memiliki kepadatan tulang yang baik, kadar hemoglobin meningkat, serta kecukupan vitamin A, B1, B2 dan B3 yang penting untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan sel otak dan saraf. Asam amino yang mengandung unsur belerang metionin, sistin, dan sistein penting untuk membangun kesehatan otak dan sistem saraf. Sistein dan asam amino lainnya juaga berperan dalam pembentukan sel darah penawar racun (detoksifikasi) bahan-bahan kimia berbahaya yang masuk ke dalam tubuh.

Susu kambing menyumbangkan 32,6% kalsium dan 27,0% fosfor dari kebutuhan dasar harian. Sementara susu sapi hanya memberikan 29,7% kalsium dan 23,2% fosfor dari kebutuhan dasar harian. Sebagai sumber kalsium, susu kambing bagus untuk pemeliharaan kekuatan dan kepadatan tulang. Dalam proses mineralisasi tulang, kalsium dan fosfor membentuk kalsiumfosfat-komponen utama mineral kompleks yang membentuk struktur dan kekuatan kepada tulang.Kalsium melindungi sel usus besar dari risiko kanker akibat zat kimia yang melewatinya, mencegah pengeroposan tulang setelah masa menopause atau radang sendi, mencegah migrain, menurunkan risiko timbulnya gejala sindroma premenstrual haid. 

Ia juga berperan pada sejumlah kegiatan fungsional seperti proses pembekuan darah, merangsang saraf, kontraksi otot, pengaturan aktivitas enzim, pemberdayaan fungsi membran sel, dan pengaturan tekanan darah.Terkait dengan aktivitas fungsional itu, sistem tubuh yang kompleks mengatur jumlah kadar kalsium di dalam darah secara seksama. Tujuannya supaya tidak terjadi kekurangan kadar kalsium di dalam darah. Pengambilan kalsium dari dalam tulang akan terjadi bila asupan kalsium kurang akibat gizi yang tidak berimbang.

Riset terhadap 195 perempuan remaja, usia 10-12 tahun, menunjukkan konsumsi keju yang dibuat dari susu kambing menghasilkan total kepadatan tulang dan ketebalan korteks (lapisan luar) tulang lebih tebal daripada kelompok lainnya. Penelitian dilakukan pada 4 kelompok yaitu kelompok yang diberi keju susu kambing, preparat kalsium, preparat mineral kalsium ditambah vitamin D, dan plasebo. 

Penelitian itu membuktikan bahwa dampak pemberian kalsium dari susu kambing jauh lebih baik ketimbang pemberian sediaan kalsium buatan (kimiawi). Dalam penelitian lain yang dipublikasi The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, susu kambing terbukti mempercepat pembakaran lemak. Dalam penelitian itu, asupan kalsium alami tinggi bersumber dari susu kambing menghasilkan pembakaran lemak 20 kali lebih cepat dibanding yang tidak diberi asupan. Susu kambing juga mengandung riboflavin. Vitamin B2 itu berperan sebagai pembangkit energi berdasar pada reaksi oksidasi yang diperankan oleh flavoprotein-senyawa ikatan protein yang banyak ditemukan di dalam otot jantung dan otot lainnya. 

Manfaat lain riboflavin yaitu menurunkan frekuensi serangan migrain. Ia juga berperan menghambat perusakan sel yang terjadi dalam proses produksi energi. Perusakan sel itu dihambat glutation. Untuk menghambat perusakan sel, senyawa protein yang dihasilkan mitokondria itu memerlukan pembaruan (daur ulang). Di dalam proses daur ulang itu, riboflavin berperan sebagai co-faktor dari enzim glutation reduktase sehingga terjadi reduksi dan oksidasi membentuk glutation yang baru.

Dilihat dari kandungan gizinya, susu kambing tidak kalah dengan susu sapi. Kurangnya minat untuk mengkonsumsi susu kambing salah satunya lebih disebabkan karena anggapan susu kambing tidak boleh dikonsumsi penderita tekanan darah tinggi. Mitos itu tidak benar. Kandungan utama susu kambing yang terdiri dari kalium justru berfungsi menstabilkan tingginya tekanan darah, mengatur fungsi kerja jantung, dan menekan risiko terkena arteriosklerosis.
Pernyataan itu dikuatkan penelitian terhadap lebih dari 40.000 pria Amerika yang mengkonsumsi susu kambing selama 4 tahun. Kesimpulan riset menyatakan kelompok yang mengkonsumsi lebih banyak kalium, ternyata memiliki risiko terserang stroke lebih rendah. Dengan segudang manfaat, susu kambing baik dikonsumsi semua umur. (dr Zen Djaja MD, dokter sekaligus pimpinan Balai Pengobatan Umum Yayasan Tri Dharma, Malang)

Susu Kambing Jadi Pilihan

鲜奶酸奶豆奶该如何取舍 - 虎虎 - 天下之大   知己难求  Kandungan fluorine dan protein tinggi pada susu kambing, membuat susu ini banyak diminati keluarga Indonesia. Selama ini masyarakat Indonesia belum familier dengan susu kambing. Jika dibandingkan dengan susu sapi, susu kambing pun biasanya dikonsumsi sekadarnya saja, atau lebih karena susu ini dianggap mampu menyembuhkan berbagai jenis penyakit. Susu kambing rata-rata banyak dikonsumsi di Timur Tengah sejak 7000 SM. Padahal, susu kambing memiliki protein terbaik setelah telur dan hampir setara dengan ASI. Susu kambing terbaik adalah susu yang segar (raw goat milk).

Proses memasak susu kambing yang kurang tepat dapat merusak kandungan mineral yang berkhasiat sebagai antiseptik dan pelindung jaringan paru-paru. Namun, dengan pengolahan yang baik, susu kambing dapat dikonsumsi dalam bentuk olahan seperti yoghurt dan keju.

Kandungan fluorine yang terdapat pada susu kambing berkisar 10 sampai 100 kali lebih besar dibandingkan susu sapi. Kandungan fluorine bermanfaat sebagai antiseptik alami dan dapat membantu menekan pembiakan bakteri di dalam tubuh. Bisa membantu pencernaan dan menetralisir asam lambung, menyembuhkan reaksi-reaksi alergi pada kulit, saluran napas dan pencernaan.

Hal tersebut telah dibuktikan seorang ahli nutrisi Amerika, Dr Bernard Jensen PhD. Dia meneliti manfaat susu kambing yang menjadi salah satu binatang ternaknya di Escondido, New Mexico, Amerika Serikat.

"Karena kandungan gizinya, susu kambing bisa membantu meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh," kata Bernard.

Bernard mengatakan, susu kambing mulai banyak direkomendasikan untuk susu bayi, anak-anak maupun orang dewasa yang alergi terhadap susu sapi. "Susu kambing kini cukup populer meskipun harganya lebih mahal jika dibandingkan susu sapi," katanya.

Adapun susu kambing banyak digunakan sebagai pengganti susu sapi maupun bahan pembuatan makanan bagi bayi-bayi yang alergi terhadap susu sapi.

Gejala alergi terhadap protein susu biasanya timbul pada bayi berumur dua sampai empat minggu. Gejala ini semakin jelas pada saat bayi berumur enam bulan. Bagian tubuh yang terserang alergi adalah saluran pernapasan dan kulit.

"Sebanyak 40 persen orang-orang yang alergi terhadap susu sapi memiliki toleransi yang baik terhadap susu kambing,"kata Bernard.

Keunggulan lain susu kambing adalah susu lebih mudah dicerna. Bahkan, hasil penelitian lainnya menyimpulkan, kelompok anak yang diberi susu kambing memiliki berat badan yang lebih berat jika dibandingkan dengan kelompok anak yang diberi susu sapi.

Dr Rini Damayanti Moedji dan Bernardius T Wahyu Wiryanta dalam buku Khasiat dan Manfaat Susu Kambing, Susu Terbaik dari Hewan Ruminansia memaparkan, beberapa khasiat susu kambing bagi tubuh manusia. Antara lain, susu kambing bersifat antiseptik alami dan membantu menekan pembiakan bakteri dalam tubuh dan bersifat basa (alkaline food) sehingga aman bagi tubuh.

Goat Milk vs Cow Milk

·  Goat milk is more digestible because the fat molecules are one-fifth the size of those from cow milk -- making it easily tolerated by those with compromised digestive systems.

·  Seventy-two percent of the milk used throughout the world is from goats. It is one-third richer than cows milk but more nourishing and easier to digest.

·  The flavor of goat milk is comparable to that of cow milk.  Goat milk has a milder taste.

·  Goat milk has no cream separation because of smaller fat molecules.

·  Goat milk contains pre-formed Vitamin A in the milk fat that allows it to be readily available for use by the body.

·  Goats milk contains a more highly-evolved cholesterol than cows milk, making it more available for absorption to the brain and body. (Cholesterol is essential to the health of the myelin sheaths "white matter" of the nerves in the brain.)

·  Goat milk is closer to human milk and is therefore easily accepted especially by those young or frail.

·  Goat milk has an alkaline reaction the same as mother's milk. Cow milk has an acid reaction

·  Goat milk does not form mucous (phlegm) and is therefore better tolerated by asthmatics and those with allergies.

·  Goat milk contains more chlorine, fluorine and silicon than any other domestic livestock. Chlorine and fluorine are natural germicides and fluorine assists in preventing diabetes.

·  Goat milk contains 2% curd, which precipitates in the stomach. Cows milk is 10% curd.

·  Goats are naturally immune to diseases, such as tuberculosis, and are used in third-world countries to actually cure tuberculosis because of their inherent antibodies.

·  Goats milk is tolerated by a compromised /damaged liver because of the smaller fat molecules and it's naturally homogenized.

·  Goats milk has the ability to "sweeten" the intestinal tract and assist with constipation.

·  Goats milk contains a higher evolved carotene (pro-Vitamin A). Researchers have found this to have cancer preventing properties.
Source: Natures Prescription Milk by Gloria Gilbere, N.D., D.A. Hom., Ph.D.

World's Healthiest Foods - Goat Milk

Milk, goat
Source : http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=131

  Milk, goat
Delicious with a slightly sweet and sometimes salty undertone, goat's milk is the milk of choice in most of the world. Although not popular in the United States, it can be found in markets and health foods stores throughout the year.
Unlike cow's milk there is no need to homogenize goat's milk. While the fat globules in cow's milk tend to separate to the surface, the globules in goat's milk are much smaller and will remain suspended in solution. When individuals have sensitivity to cow's milk, goat's milk can sometimes be used as an alternative.

Food Chart
This chart graphically details the %DV that a serving of Milk, goat provides for each of the nutrients of which it is a good, very good, or excellent source according to our Food Rating System. Additional information about the amount of these nutrients provided by Milk, goat can be found in the Food Rating System Chart. A link that takes you to the In-Depth Nutritional Profile for Milk, goat, featuring information over 80 nutrients, can be found under the Food Rating System Chart.
Health Benefits
Goat's milk is a very good source of calcium and the amino acid tryptophan. It is also a good source of protein, phosphorus, riboflavin (vitamin B2) and potassium. Perhaps the greatest benefit of goat's milk, however, is that some people who cannot tolerate cow's milk are able to drink goat's milk without any problems. It is not clear from scientific research studies exactly why some people can better tolerate goat's milk. Some initial studies suggested that specific proteins known to cause allergic reactions may have been present in cow's milk in significant quantities yet largely absent in goat's milk. The alpha-casein proteins, including alpha s1-casein, and the beta-casein proteins were both considered in this regard. However, more recent studies suggest that the genetic wiring for these casein proteins is highly variable in both cows and goats and that more study is needed to determine the exact role these proteins might play in the tolerability of goat's milk versus cow's milk. Other research has found some anti-inflammatory compounds (short-chain sugar molecules called oligosaccharides) to be present in goat's milk. These oligosaccharides may make goat's milk easier to digest, especially in the case of compromised intestinal function. In animal studies, goat's milk has also been shown to enhance the metabolism of both iron and copper, especially when there are problems with absorption of minerals in the digestive tract. These factors and others are likely to play an important role in the tolerability of goat's milk versus cow's milk. Allergy to cow's milk has been found in many people with conditions such as recurrent ear infections, asthma, eczema, and even rheumatoid arthritis. Replacing cow's milk with goat's milk may help to reduce some of the symptoms of these conditions.
Goat's milk can sometimes even be used as a replacement for cow's milk-based infant formulas for infants who have difficulties with dairy products. Unfortunately, goat's milk is lacking in several nutrients that are necessary for growing infants, so parents interested in trying goat's milk instead of cow's milk-based formula for their infants should ask their pediatricians or other qualified healthcare practitioners for recipes and ways to add these important and vital nutrients. For older children and adults, however, goat's milk can be an excellent calcium-rich alternative to cow's milk as, in addition to calcium, it contains many of the same nutrients found in cow's milk.
Calcium-A Mineral for A Lot More than Strong Bones
Goat's milk is a very good source of calcium. Calcium is widely recognized for its role in maintaining the strength and density of bones. In a process known as bone mineralization, calcium and phosphorus join to form calcium phosphate. Calcium phosphate is a major component of the mineral complex (called hydroxyapatite) that gives structure and strength to bones. A cup of goat's milk supplies 32.6% of the daily value for calcium along with 27.0% of the DV for phosphorus. In comparison, a cup of cow's milk provides 29.7% of the DV for calcium and 23.2% of the DV for phosphorus.
Building bone is, however, far from all that calcium does for us. In recent studies, this important mineral has been shown to:
  • Help protect colon cells from cancer-causing chemicals
  • Help prevent the bone loss that can occur as a result of menopause or certain conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis
  • Help prevent migraine headaches in those who suffer from them
  • Reduce PMS symptoms during the luteal phase (the second half) of the menstrual cycle
Calcium also plays a role in many other vital physiological activities, including blood clotting, nerve conduction, muscle contraction, regulation of enzyme activity, cell membrane function and blood pressure regulation. Because these activities are essential to life, the body utilizes complex regulatory systems to tightly control the amount of calcium in the blood, so that sufficient calcium is always available. As a result, when dietary intake of calcium is too low to maintain adequate blood levels of calcium, calcium stores are drawn out of the bones to maintain normal blood concentrations.
Dairy Foods Better than Calcium Supplements for Growing Girls' Bones
For young girls going through the rapid growth spurts of puberty, getting calcium from dairy products, such as goat's milk, may be better for building bone than taking a calcium supplement, suggests a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Finnish researchers enrolled 195 healthy girls aged 10-12 years and divided them into 4 groups. One group was given supplemental calcium (1000 mg) + vitamin D3 (200 IU) each day. The second group received only supplemental calcium (1000 mg/day). The third group ate cheese supplying 1,000 mg of calcium each day, and the fourth group was given a placebo supplement.
At the beginning and end of the study, DEXA (dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry) scans were run to check bone indexes of the hip, spine, and whole body, and the radius and tibia were checked by peripheral quantitative computed tomography.
At the conclusion of the study, girls getting their calcium from cheese had higher whole-body bone mineral density and cortical thickness of the tibia than girls given supplemental calcium + vitamin D, supplemental calcium alone, or placebo. While the researchers noted that differences in the rate at which different children naturally grow might account for some of the differences seen in bone mineral density, they concluded: "Increasing calcium intake by consuming cheese appears to be more beneficial for cortical bone mass accrual than the consumption of tablets containing a similar amount of calcium."
Calcium-rich Dairy Foods Boost the Body's Burning of Fat After a Meal
Those ads linking a daily cup of yogurt to a slimmer silhouette may have a real basis in scientific fact. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition not only shows a calcium-rich diet is associated with fat loss but may help explain why.
Normal-weight women ranging in age from 18-30 years were randomly assigned to a low (less than 800 mg per day) or high (1000-1400 mg per day) calcium diet for 1 year, and the rate at which their bodies burned fat after a meal was assessed at the beginning and end of the study.
After 1 year, fat oxidation (burning) was 20 times higher in women eating the high calcium diet compared to those in the low-calcium control group (0.10 vs. 0.06 gram per minute).
The women's blood levels of parathyroid hormone were also checked and were found to correlate with their rate of fat oxidation. (The primary function of parathyroid hormone is to maintain normal levels of calcium in the body. When calcium levels drop too low, parathyroid hormone is secreted to instruct bone cells to release calcium into the bloodstream.)
Higher blood levels of parathyroid hormone were associated with a lower rate of fat oxidation and lower dietary calcium intake, while lower blood levels of parathyroid hormone levels were seen in the women consuming a diet high in calcium, who were burning fat more rapidly after a meal. So, it appears that a high-calcium diet increases fat oxidation, at least in part, by lessening the need for parathyroid hormone secretion, thus keeping blood levels of the hormone low.
Dairy Foods Protective against Metabolic Syndrome
Including goat's milk and other dairy products in your healthy way of eating may reduce your risk of metabolic syndrome by up to 62%, shows the 20-year Caerphilly prospective study involving 2,375 Welsh men ranging in age from 45-59. Researchers have proposed that conjugated linolenic acid (a healthy fat found in greatest amounts in dairy foods from grass fed cows and goats) may improve insulin action and reduce blood glucose levels. J Epidemiol Community Health. 2007 Aug;61(8):695-8.
Practical Tip: Enjoy a pint of milk and/or a serving of yogurt, cottage cheese or cheese daily. Men who drank a daily pint of milk in the Caerphilly study reduced their risk of metabolic syndrome by 62%. Regular consumption of other dairy products, such as yogurt and cheese, reduced metabolic syndrome risk by 56%.
Dairy Foods' Calcium Protective against Breast Cancer
When French researchers analyzed the dietary intakes of 3,627 women using five 24-hour records completed over the course of 18 months, those with the highest average dairy intake had a 45% lower risk of developing breast cancer than women with the lowest average intake. When only pre-menopausal women were considered, benefits were even greater; those with the highest average dairy intake had a 65% reduction in breast cancer risk.
Analysis indicates the calcium provided by dairy foods is the reason why. Increasing calcium intake was associated with a 50% reduction in breast cancer risk for the whole population, and a 74% reduction for pre-menopausal women. Ann Nutr Metab. 2007;51(2):139-45. Epub 2007 May 29.
Practical Tip: In addition to foods made from goat's or sheep's milk, you can also increase your calcium intake by making sesame seeds; spinach; blackstrap molasses; and collard, turnip or mustard greens, regular additions to your healthy way of eating.
Energy Producing Riboflavin
Goat's milk is a very good source of riboflavin, a B vitamin important for energy production. Riboflavin (vitamin B2) plays at least two important roles in the body's energy production. When active in energy production pathways, riboflavin takes the form of flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) or flavin mononucleotide (FMN). In these forms, riboflavin attaches to protein enzymes called flavoproteins that allow oxygen-based energy production to occur. Flavoproteins are found throughout the body, particularly in locations where oxygen-based energy production is constantly needed, such as the heart and other muscles.
Riboflavin's other role in energy production is protective. The oxygen-containing molecules the body uses to produce energy can be highly reactive and can inadvertently cause damage to the mitochondria (the energy production factories in every cell) and even the cells themselves. In the mitochondria, such damage is largely prevented by a small, protein-like molecule called glutathione. Like many "antioxidant" molecules, glutathione must be constantly recycled, and it is vitamin B2 that allows this recycling to take place. (Technically, vitamin B2 is a cofactor for the enzyme glutathione reductase that reduces the oxidized form of glutathione back to its reduced version.) Riboflavin been shown to be able to reduce the frequency of migraine headaches in people who suffer from them.
One cup of goat's milk supplies 20.0% of the daily value for riboflavin, comparable to the 23.5% of the DV for riboflavin provided in a cup of cow's milk.
A Good Source of Protein
Goat's milk is a good source of low-cost high-quality protein, providing 8.7 grams of protein (17.4% of the daily value for protein) in one cup versus cow's milk, which provides 8.1 grams or 16.3% of the DV for protein. The structure of humans and animals is built on protein. We rely on animal and vegetable protein for our supply of amino acids, and then our bodies rearrange the nitrogen to create the pattern of amino acids we require.
Cardiovascular Protection from Potassium
Goat's milk is a good source of potassium, an essential mineral for maintaining normal blood pressure and heart function. Since a cup of goat's milk contains 498.7 mg of potassium and only 121.5 mg of sodium, goat's milk may help to prevent high blood pressure and protect against atherosclerosis.
The effectiveness of potassium-rich foods in lowering blood pressure has been demonstrated by a number of studies. For example, researchers tracked over 40,000 American male health professionals over four years to determine the effects of diet on blood pressure. Men who ate diets higher in potassium-rich foods had a substantially reduced risk of stroke. A cup of goat's milk provides 14.2% of the daily value for potassium.
While in the United States, we may think of goat's milk as a beverage alternative to cow's milk, in most areas of the world, the opposite is true. Worldwide, more people drink goat's milk than cow's milk.
Most people assume goat's milk will have the same strong musky taste for which goat cheese is famous. Yet, in fact, good quality goat's milk has a delicious slightly sweet, and sometimes also slightly salty, taste.
The scientific name for goat is Capra hircus.
Goats have played a role in food culture since time immemorial with ancient cave paintings showing the hunting of goats. They are also one of the oldest domesticated animals since the herding of goats is thought to have evolved about 10,000 years ago in the mountains of Iran.
Goat milk and the cheese made from it were revered in ancient Egypt with some pharaohs supposedly having these foods placed among the other treasures in their burial chambers. Goat milk was also widely consumed by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Goat milk has remained popular throughout history and still is consumed on a more extensive basis worldwide than cow's milk.
When purchasing goat's milk, always use the "sell-by" date as a guide to the shelf life of the goat's milk. Smell the top of the container to make sure that the milk does not smell of spoilage, which could have been caused by being stored for a period of time outside of the refrigerator. Select goat's milk from the coldest part of the refrigerator case, which is usually the lower section.
Goat's milk should always be refrigerated since higher temperatures can cause it to turn sour rather quickly. Always seal or close the milk container when storing it to prevent it from absorbing the aromas of other foods in the refrigerator. Avoid storing goat's milk in the refrigerator door since this exposes it to too much heat each time the refrigerator is opened and closed.
For some of our favorite recipes, click Recipes.
A Few Quick Serving Ideas:
Next time you want a glass of milk, try goat's milk instead.
Goat's milk yogurt makes a wonderful base for savory dips. Simply mix in your favorite herbs and spices and serve with crudité.
Crumble some goat's cheese on a salad of romaine lettuce, pears and pumpkin seeds.
Crumbled goat cheese is a wonderful rich topping for split pea soup.
Add extra taste and protein to a vegetable sandwich by including some goat's cheese.
Soft, spreadable goat cheese is an exceptional accompaniment to crusty whole grain bread or crackers and fruit.
Top sliced tomatoes with crumpled goat cheese and fresh basil. Drizzle with balsamic vinegar and extra virgin olive oil.
Lactose Intolerance
Goat's milk, like cow's milk, contains the milk sugar, lactose, and may produce adverse reactions in lactose-intolerant individuals. (Goat's milk is only slightly lower in lactose than cow's milk, with 4.1% milk solids as lactose versus 4.7% in cow's milk.)
Goat's milk is a very good source of calcium. It is also a good source of phosphorus, riboflavin (vitamin B2), protein and potassium.
For an in-depth nutritional profile click here: Goat's Milk.
In-Depth Nutritional Profile
In addition to the nutrients highlighted in our ratings chart, an in-depth nutritional profile for Milk, goat is also available. This profile includes information on a full array of nutrients, including carbohydrates, sugar, soluble and insoluble fiber, sodium, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids and more.
Introduction to Food Rating System Chart
In order to better help you identify foods that feature a high concentration of nutrients for the calories they contain, we created a Food Rating System. This system allows us to highlight the foods that are especially rich in particular nutrients. The following chart shows the nutrients for which this food is either an excellent, very good, or good source (below the chart you will find a table that explains these qualifications). If a nutrient is not listed in the chart, it does not necessarily mean that the food doesn't contain it. It simply means that the nutrient is not provided in a sufficient amount or concentration to meet our rating criteria. (To view this food's in-depth nutritional profile that includes values for dozens of nutrients - not just the ones rated as excellent, very good, or good - please use the link below the chart.) To read this chart accurately, you'll need to glance up in the top left corner where you will find the name of the food and the serving size we used to calculate the food's nutrient composition. This serving size will tell you how much of the food you need to eat to obtain the amount of nutrients found in the chart. Now, returning to the chart itself, you can look next to the nutrient name in order to find the nutrient amount it offers, the percent Daily Value (DV%) that this amount represents, the nutrient density that we calculated for this food and nutrient, and the rating we established in our rating system. For most of our nutrient ratings, we adopted the government standards for food labeling that are found in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's "Reference Values for Nutrition Labeling." Read more background information and details of our rating system.
Goat's milk
1.00 cup
244.00 grams
167.90 calories

World's Healthiest
Foods Rating
0.11 g
very good
325.74 mg
very good
270.11 mg
vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
0.34 mg
8.69 g
498.74 mg
World's Healthiest
Foods Rating
very good

Susu Kambing

Susu Kambing adalah makanan semulajadi berkhasiat yang diperlukan untuk kesihatan badan seharian. Ianya sesuai untuk semua lapisan umur. Susu ini boleh diminum panas atau sejuk malah boleh dibuat dadih, ais krim, keju dan mentega. Pada masa sekarang industri kosmetik mengeluarkan berbagai produk berasaskan susu kambing seperti syampu, krim muka, sabun, pewangi dan juga krim pencukur.


· Susu terbaik selepas susu ibu

· Kaya dengan protin, enzim dan vitamin A

· Tidak menyebabkan alahan

· Kuatkan sistem imunisasi

· Bersifat alkali

· Tingkatkan daya kepekaaan, tumpuan dan ingatan

· Lancarkan sistem penghadaman dan usus

· Membantu mengubati kanser, demam kuning, gastrik, ulser, asma(lelah), penyakit kulit dan sukar tidur

· Membantu merawat sengugut, darah tinggi, lemah jantung, kencing manis, batuk kering dan gout

· Imbangi gula dalam darah dan kolestrol

· Menguatkan jisim tubuh yang sihat(tulang, gigi, otot, sendi, kulit dan tisu saraf

· Memulihkan tenaga batin

· Awet muda


1、 羊奶含有促进细胞生长因子(EGF),牛奶却不含有;
2、 羊奶含有丰富的乳清蛋白,牛奶同样不含有;
3、 羊奶含有丰富乳铁蛋白,牛奶几乎没有;
4、 羊奶脂肪链短,只有脂肪颗粒只是牛奶的三分之一;
5、 羊奶的蛋白凝块细而软,牛奶的蛋白凝块粗而硬;
6、 羊奶的脂肪为不饱和脂肪,牛奶的脂肪为饱和脂肪;
7、 羊奶的脂肪溶点低,牛奶的脂肪溶点高,羊奶比之更容易消化;
8、 羊奶的营养元素全面而丰富;
9、 羊奶呈弱碱性,PH值7.1-7.2,牛奶呈弱酸性,PH值为6.5-6.7;
10、 羊奶的钙含量是牛奶的1.7倍,羊奶的维生素A是牛奶的2倍,羊奶的维生素B1和B2是牛奶的 1.5倍,羊奶的肉酸素是牛奶的10倍,羊奶的钾含量是牛奶的1.8倍,钠含量是牛奶的1.6倍;
11、 羊奶不含过敏源:γ-酪蛋白和α-IS酪蛋白。



http://www.zsjsby.com/news/admin/uploadfile/20071022142524.jpg   羊奶中 羊胎素含量非常丰富(SOD),比牛奶含有更丰富的蛋白质、氨基酸、维生素、矿物质、微量元素等营养成分,羊奶中核苷酸含量比牛奶高一倍,含丰富的核酸, 羊奶中天然牛磺酸是牛奶的十多倍,尤其是卵磷脂、脑磷脂非常丰富,并含有丰富的ATP、DHA、CAMP、EGF和丰富的钙、磷、钾、镁、铁、钠及较低的 乳糖含量。羊奶的这些营养成分和大脑的健康还有老年痴呆的发生有什么关系呢?羊奶对大脑的好处(羊奶的好处)又有哪些呢?   人过中年,就会发现自己体力显著下降,大脑的思维活动不如以前敏捷,开始出现大脑衰老现象。衰老是怎样发生的呢 ? 大脑内任何血管发生硬化都是衰老的原因。血管是运送葡萄糖和氧等营养物质到大脑的通路,一旦受到阻塞或发生破裂,营养物质输送不到大脑,就会发生老年痴呆等现象。脑血管阻塞也叫脑梗死,脑血管破裂就是脑出血,也叫中风,都属于急性脑血管疾病。一般来说,急性脑血管疾病都是由于饮食不当造成的。为了防止这些疾病,应注意摄取适当的食物,以保证营养素充足、平衡。

含钙丰富的食物对大脑是有益的,钙具有安定精神、扩张血管的作用。中老年人应多吃奶类及奶制品、大豆及豆制品、海藻类食物,对健脑有良好作用。 B 族维生素在维持神经和许多酶的正常功能方面发挥着极其重要的作用。含 B 族维生素丰富的食物有:花生、豆腐、香菇、糙米、绿叶蔬菜、小麦胚芽等。维生素 E 被称为防治衰老的维生素,它是清除体内自由基和防止多不饱和脂肪酸氧化的重要物质。自由基是人体衰老的重要原因,而维生素 E 可以将这些“垃圾”清除掉。多不饱和脂肪酸的氧化也是引起细胞破坏,最终导致衰老的因素之一。维生素 E 可以保护多不饱和脂肪酸不被氧化破坏,从而阻止细胞衰老。核桃、花生、动物肝脏等含有丰富的维生素 E 。此外,菌类、碱性食品和发酵食品对大脑的健康也有好处。

老年男女:强身健体,延年益寿。现代科学研究证明,羊奶由于含各种营养成分齐 全,组成比例合适,能补充老年人基本功能缺乏的营养和不足,羊奶对人肠胃炎、肾病、肺病、肝病等有促进康复作用,由于羊奶丰富的钙、钾能防老年人骨质疏松 症和使动脉血管壁在高血压进时保持稳定,中风危险减少一半,而且山羊奶中的各种营养容易消化吸收,替代药物的作用。中国药典巨著《本草纲目》第 258 页记载“山羊奶甘温无毒,补寒冷虚乏、润心肺、治消渴、疗虚痨,益精补气”。国外专家研究认为:“山羊奶是天然抗生素,有抗癌防癌功效”。一些西方国家已 经把山羊奶制品作为医疗食品,西欧一些国家及我国港、澳、台地区已兴起了饮食山羊奶的热潮。牧羊人始终怀着精益求精,打造佳品的信念,本着对每位消费者负 责的态度,用最快捷的送奶方式把每一天的新鲜营养送到您家!

羊奶偏碱性,经常饮用对维持机体酸碱平衡具有积极作用。并且含钙磷高,钙、铁之间没有拮抗作用,钙、铁吸收率高。羊奶中含丰富的 ATP 和 CAMP ,它们是细胞的核心物质,具有多种调节功能,维护着脏器组织正常的生理功能,这是羊奶在营养保健上的独到之处。

据日本营养研究会研究发现, MBP 是存在于乳清中的蛋白质,在普通牛奶中含量很少, 1 克 中仅含二万分之一。而羊奶含有丰富的活性免疫球蛋白、乳清蛋白和乳铁蛋白,蛋白质含量本身就高于牛奶。由于它可以在一定程度上促进骨细胞的生长,所以添加 MBP 牛奶也就相应地有了加固骨骼的作用。要说为什么它会有如此“神奇”的效果,还得从骨头的形成说起。

http://image.39.net/099/10/476953_p_0701_026.jpg人的骨头是有生命的,每天都在新陈代谢:旧的骨成分被破坏,被称为“骨吸收”;新的骨质产生,则被称为“骨形成”。担负着破坏旧骨质的细胞被称为“破骨 细胞”,而形成新骨质的则是“骨芽细胞”。 MBP 可以抑制破骨细胞的过量产生,并促进骨芽细胞的形成,因此具有促进骨生长的作用。

添加了 MBP 的食品在日本属于特定保健用食品,需要得到政府的批准。根据科学家试验,每天摄取 40 毫克的 MBP ,连续 3 个月可以观察到骨头的新陈代谢有明显改善, 6 个月后其骨质密度有显著提高。

羊奶中 还含有人体无法合成的必需脂肪酸、亚麻仁油酸、次亚麻仁油酸、花生四烯酸、胆碱、肌醇、尼克酸等营养成份和活性因子。羊奶被视为“乳品中精品”,被国际营 养学界誉为“奶中之王”,被医学界称为脑细胞的保护神、大脑的食品、脑血管的清道夫、食用化妆品等。羊奶被科学界称为“抗衰老奇酶”是天然的保健食品。对亚洲人来讲更是极珍贵的营养滋补佳品。





milk-bath羊奶更是女人最经济的美容养颜的护肤保健品,羊奶中含有上皮细胞生长因子(EGF)(牛奶中不含),人体大部分细胞都受其活化,喝羊奶或洗脸洗沐上皮细胞表层受刺激,可快速修补老化、坏死、磨损的上皮细胞,并促进皮肤弹性形成,使皮肤美白,并恢复正常生理功能,防止细菌侵袭,不愧为护肤保健卫士。另外羊奶中超氧化物岐化酶含量丰富,对人体有抗炎,抗衰老作用。因此长期饮用或洗用,有美容养颜和延缓衰老之功效,所以古有 “常饮羊奶,色如处子。” 之记载。



明代医学家李时珍著《本草纲目》记载: “羊奶甘温无毒、补寒冷虚乏、润心肺、治消渴、疗虚痨、益精气、补肺肾气和小肠气”。

姚可成著《食疗本草》记述: “羊奶亦主消渴、治虚痨、益精气、补肺、肾气、和小肠。合脂作羹,补肾虚,利大肠”。

《魏书》记载: “常饮羊奶,色如处子”。

《中国药膳学》记载: “治口渴,反胃,腰酸腿软,羊乳煮沸后调入淮山药粉食之”。

《食医心鉴》记载: “益肾气,强阳道,对体虚之人,无论何种病症皆宜,即使健康之人,服之亦可增加体质”。

《饮膳正要》: 羊奶粥(羊奶 500克,粳米150克,煮粥食用)温补肾阳,主治体虚或病后阳痿。

民间传统认为: 羊乳具有补肾、滋肺、键胃、利肠、养颜的作用。

民间曾流传的俗语: 羊食百草、其乳滋补;羊氏乳母等佳话。

http://www.kangquanyangnai.com/Upload/Tag/925ee42d-7b32-40e1-ba1e-56f401774563.gif《本草纲目》 258页写到:

    羊乳的营养成分和药用价值,每 100克的羊乳中含蛋白质3、8克,脂肪4、1克,醣类4、3克,热量288、9千焦,钙140毫克,磷106毫克,铁0、1毫克,维生素B10、05毫 克,维生素A80国际单位,维生素B20、13毫克,烟酸0、3毫克等。羊乳营养价值比牛乳高,其中钙含量比牛乳多25%,为人乳的5倍,为强身补体的佳 品。羊乳含有丰富得人体多种必需氨基酸,若每天喝1000毫升羊乳,成年人一天所需的必需氨基酸即可基本得到满足。羊乳中的乳蛋白比酪蛋白多,比牛奶更容 易消化。羊乳的脂肪结构中碳链短,不饱和脂肪酸高,且有良好的乳华状态,脂肪球的大小也接近人体,因有利机体直接吸收利用,更适宜作为幼儿,老人及病弱者 的营养品。 

   “常饮羊乳,能补五脏,润毛发,养颜滋润皮肤”。羊乳是历代皇室皇后的美容珍品,当今以羊胎素美容。但常饮羊乳效果更佳。因为羊乳中含有丰富的VA、 VC、VE,对女性皮肤粗糙、干燥、皱裂、发痒、粉刺都具有很好的疗效,长期饮用羊乳,能使皮肤光泽亮丽,富有弹性,永保青春。羊乳中含有丰富的维生素A 能保护视力、防治近视,对开车、经常操作电脑的工作者,都是最佳营养品。

   “……食物中钙的来源以奶制品的含量最高,且吸收率高,奶制品中以羊奶的含钙量最高。”现代科学对钙的深入研究证明:缺钙不但影响骨骼系统、神经系统、血 液循环系统、消化系统正常的发育功能,而且影响体力、精力、导致老人痴呆;对于骨质增生、结石症和骨质疏松,都是由于同一原因——缺钙所造成的。羊乳中含 钙相当高,又容易吸收,老少皆宜,是人体发育、健康、长寿最理想的营养食品和保健品。

   “羊乳所含的多种营养物质比牛奶要丰富很多,它的营养成分和保健价值更高……此外钙、磷、铁、镁等无机物的含量也比牛奶要高,特别是钙的含量要多23%。 维生素的含量也比较丰富。羊乳的蛋白凝块细软、脂肪球小而均匀,呈良好的乳化状态,很容易被人体消化吸收。……常饮羊乳具有抗癌防癌功能。”